Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006

This is scene of a pack of wolves who have come upon a pond to get some water. The rest of the pack doesn't pay any attention to the shack in the background, except for the leader of the pack. He realizes this is the shack where was confined to and abused by a miner when he was younger. He was chained to a tree but broke it and escaped, thus the log chained to his leg.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Chinese Hunter's Lodge

This a design of a Chinese hunter's lodge based in the 16th Century. The owner is a general in the Chinese army and while taking breaks from hunting he would meet with his officers to plan out battles. This was a class assignment and one of the requisites was to have a fireplace. I found that Chinese didn't have fireplaces from that time period but incorporated it anyway. I hope it works.